Tourist dies after being hit by jet blast at famous beach where planes fly just above holidaymakers' heads
Thursday, July 13, 2017
A tourist has died after she was blown off her feet by the powerful jet blast at a famous beach where aircraft fly near the people who enjoy the beach.

The 57-year-old woman reportedly hit her head after being knocked over as people were holding onto a chain link fence at the airport in the Dutch Caribbean territory of Sint Maarten.

The 57-year-old woman reportedly hit her head after being knocked over as people were holding onto a chain link fence at the airport in the Dutch Caribbean territory of Sint Maarten.
A local official said the woman was standing near the fence when she was knocked over by the jet blast from a departing plane.
Thousands of thrill-seeking tourists gather on Maho Beach every day to watch planes land and take off at Princess Juliana International Airport, dubbed one of the 'scariest' in the world due to low-flying aircraft.
Rolando Brison, director of tourism for the island, which is divided between France and the Netherlands, said the woman was from New Zealand.
He told the New Zealand Herald : "I met with the family of the deceased ... and while they recognised that what they did was wrong, through the clearly visible danger signs, they regret that risk they took turned out in the worst possible way.
"At this time I only wish to express my deepest sympathy to the family and loved ones while we continue to investigate what transpired just hours ago."
Thousands of thrill-seeking tourists gather on Maho Beach every day to watch planes land and take off at Princess Juliana International Airport, dubbed one of the 'scariest' in the world due to low-flying aircraft.
Rolando Brison, director of tourism for the island, which is divided between France and the Netherlands, said the woman was from New Zealand.
"At this time I only wish to express my deepest sympathy to the family and loved ones while we continue to investigate what transpired just hours ago."